Friday, March 27, 2009

Day 24 - Friday

We woke up in 10am to set off for industrial visit, and this time we are going to Yangtze Optical Fibre and Cable Company Limited. We took around an hour bus trip to the factory. When we reached the factory, we began to look around at the display at the main hall.

the company is currently number 1 optic fibre company in China.
After a while, a company representative came forward to explain more facts about the company. He also explained about what products the company was producing and the process of the manufacturing. He also gave us a tour around the factory and showed us short video clips of how the company produced their products.

he could speak english somehow..
the information about the process.. while we were listening to what he was explaining but I didn't get what he was saying. LOL :D

After the trip to the factory, we went back to campus where we went to the restaurant outside the campus for lunch. We ordered two big bowl of rice, one plate of tofu (tie pan tou fu), one big plate of vegetables (xiao bai cai), and two meats (gong bao ji ding and xiao pan ji). We were too hungry, that's why there wasn't pictures of the food. SORRY :D.

After the meal, we went back to dormitory to prepare for coming APPG theory test at 4pm. After the test, we went back to dormitory to discuss what to eat for dinner, I hoped it would be not KFC again LOL. Luckily we went back to the same restaurant for dinner, which we ordered same vegetables, one tofu (fried tofu) again, one sliced fish meat and the xiao pan ji that we ordered in the morning.

After that, we went to the nearby supermarket to buy necessities. While we were shopping around, we saw three big water tanks where they sold the fishes. However, some fishes were already dead, so why did they still keep the fishes in the tanks? Maybe they still think that someone will buy, or they simply don't care -.-". No matter what, I would never buy the fishes in the supermarket.