Thursday, March 26, 2009

Day 23 - Thursday

Day went on as usual, IS in the morning, fried egg rice for lunch (it wasn't delicious at all please! LOL), then APPG in the afternoon. I was slacking all the way in APPG lesson, playing dynasty warrior somemore. -.-" There will be a theory test tomorrow, I sincerely pray that I can pass. :D

After lesson, we went to KFC for dinner, I know, SAME OLD PLACE AGAIN. I think only KFC have the food that we like. :D

random picture that I found


I bought it in canteen 1 few weeks back. The noodle looked very simple, noodle with added sauce and sliced long bean , but yet it had an unique taste. Till now, I still remember the taste clearly. WUHAN's must try food :D