Monday, March 23, 2009

Day 20 - Monday

Finally, we got the chance to wake later than ever as lesson started at 10am. But the moment we stepped out of the dormitory, the weather was very cold and it was raining heavily, but luckily, I wore my windbreaker. We ran all the way to our class because of the heavy rain. When we reached our class, we were totally drenched.

We slacked during the first lesson of APPG. After that, we went to canteen 3 for lunch. Nicholas and I ate mixed rice, which we ordered fried sausages and steam egg. The steam egg was really nice, finally got one decent food in the canteen. Then Arvind and Nicholas went to buy drinks for us, a china guy just came and sit down. Maybe I was not used to their culture, so I felt irritated. After a while, we went off and headed back to dormitory to rest. During the afternoon APPG lesson, we had our trial test. The trial test was quite difficult, as there were alot of variables and we had to declare string too. But in the end, I managed to understand the program.

After lesson, we went to KFC for meal, ordered chicken burger and two sets of grilled chicken wings. The grilled chicken wings were simply the best, which was not available in Singapore, what a pity. After the meal, we went to the supermarket, which we bought alot of stuffs like 36 eggs, 10 packets of noodles, few snacks and one carton of mineral water. After that, we went back dormitory and rested for the day.