Tuesday, April 14, 2009


last day in Wuhan.

I woke up at around 8am, but I went back to sleep as my luggages were already packed last night. And so, I missed the weighing part and I only know that my luggages were 34kg from others. Hahas, main reason for my luggages over weight is that I bought too much stuffs, oops !

After the packing, we sat down and took a group photo.

The 102 dormitory mate. From left to right; kang liang, jayden, me, marc, (down) benson, nicholas, wenhao and arvind.

My dormitory mates for 6 weeks, I am definitely going to miss them. I am going to miss the days that we played counterstrike together, the days we studied APPG together, the days we played basketball together, the days we went to the gym together and definitely the days that we joked around.

And the days we "taupok" each other!

Classic :)

last pictures of our dormitory.

we left our memories in our dormitory, hahas.

Around 11 am, we bid our dormitory goodbye as we moved our luggages to the bus. Due to late nights, many were sleeping.

When we reached Wuhan's airport, we still got an hour or so before our flight to Guang Zhou, so we walked around in the airport. The place was pretty boring as the prices is quite expensive here.

We wanted to have lunch at the airport, but due the prices, we hesitated much. Until Mr Chua insisted on treating, then we went into the food court for fried rice. Thanks Mr Chua, for taking good care of us.

After the meal, we went to check in and waited for the flight at around 3pm. During the waiting, some mixed feelings were running through my mind, "I am going to miss Wuhan badly but I am going to miss my family and friends in Singapore."

After a while, that thought gradually disappeared as we boarded the flight to Guang Zhou.

After the one hour flight, we reached Guang Zhou. We had to rush to check in as there isn't much time left until the next flight back home.

Finally, we board the flight to Singapore, so excited about it. While on the flight, I slept throughout the journey except for the dinner part. I ate seafood set, consider not bad as compared to the meal that I ate in the flight from Singapore to Guang Zhou.

20 minutes before the landing of the plane, everyone were getting anxious. When we landed in Singapore, everyone cheered and most of us took out our handphone to inform our families and friends that we had landed.

Last group photo that we took before separating into our own small group.

After that, we went our own ways. Shao Ming helped me to buy heineken beers as I was still underage, :(. The beers were actually meant for my dad.

We went to collect our luggages afterwards, and we went our separate ways. I went out to meet my parents and my auntie, I really miss them.

First thing when I reached Singapore, the weather here is really HOT! even it is night time, my goodness.

After I reached home, I lied down on my bed immediately, hahas.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Day 34 - Monday

I was in my wonderland dreaming until I woke up at 12 noon because of the CS noise caused by the others. But still, I ended up playing too after I woke up. hahas

Nothing much happened, I was slacking during the whole afternoon. I was watching The Mummy - Tomb of The Dragon Emperor. Conclusion - The storyline was okay okay, but the female actress acting as "Lin" looked really beautiful. hahas

We went jogging during evening. For some reasons, I did not really have the mood to run, so I was almost walking during the whole journey.

We ran around the campus and at the same time, we also get to sight see as we were running along the lake that was located near our school.

After our jogging, we went to dormitory to bathe. After everyone had finished bathing, we went out for dinner at the cheap fast food restaurant. We ordered chicken burgers. hahas

After that, we went to the nearby provision shop to get some drinks and tidbits. That pretty much ended my day.

8 more days back home ! I miss my mother's cookings, especially steamed chicken wings, fried rice with hotdog and egg, sweet and sour pork and many more.

I also miss my father's nagging, erm, sound quite weird but it's true. Everytime he started to nag, I did not really bother much but after a while, his words usually sounded quite true. Same goes for my aunt too. (For your information, my aunt dotes on me the most, but I just do not know how to appreciate it.)

Lastly, I also miss my sister. I missed the days where I could disturb her, and we always play pillow fights at times. LOL

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Day 33 - Sunday

finally i got to sleep until 3pm in the afternoon, and since how long I finally had such a long sleep? o.0 zzz

After I woke up, benson and others wanted to go canteen 3 for lunch so I tagged along. I wanted to eat rice with fried duck meat but too bad, they did not have that so I ordered the fried chicken rice instead. I can't finished the rice and I wonder how the locals are able to finish this everyday.
But still, I ordered one packet of fried chicken as side dish before leaving the canteen.

After that we went to the mini mart to buy stuffs, where I bought plain water, herbal tea and one chocolate bar. After that we went back to recreational club which we wanted to go to the gym but too bad, it wasn't opened on Sunday.

So we chilled at dormitory until 7pm plus and we went out for dinner at the roadside stalls outside our campus. Just before we went out, the outfit that jayden wore was very hilarious.

he looked really hip hop. the color combination is also -.-"

When we reached the stalls, I ordered fried noodle with egg and ham while marc and wenhao ordered fried noodle with egg and mushroom and fried rice with egg and sausage. The noodle tasted not bad ,full of ham and fried egg but too bad, it was too oily. We went over to a fast food restaurant which jayden and wenhao ordered a burger each.

After we went back to dormitory, Jit Siong suddenly knocked on the door to inform us to go up to eat cake. When we went up, we thought it was Jit Siong's birthday or Ernest's birthday but nope, it was neither of them, it was Ernest's mum birthday, quite a filial son :D. We also took individual photos with the cake and assumed that we were the birthday boy or girl, it was quite fun though. After a while, Yong Xin and I brought down the cake for others to eat.

After we finished the cake, marc, arvind, nicholas and me went out for jogging. I wasn't used to the air as it was very dry and it was my first time jogging around the campus in the night. But still, there is always next time, so we would be jogging tomorrow again.
So stay tune! :D